How to write emails that grow conversions

You're sending the emails, doing all the things but they're still not converting to sales?

Hi again!

Sarah here, I hope your weeks been absolutely amazing! The following are some useful tips and information to getting better open rates that will grow your conversions/revenue.

Avoid spam trigger words. These are words commonly flagged by the email robot cops that automatically flag emails as spam and lowers your deliverability rates. I've attached a link here to HubSpot who have comprehensive lists of these key spam trigger words The Ultimate List of 394 Email Spam Trigger Words to Avoid in 2021 ( 

Avoid spammy formatting, its often not what you say but how you say it. Some types of formatting are automatic red flags for the email powers that be. Examples of these formatting issues are too frequent usage of exclamation marks, using non emoji symbols, multicoloured fonts, varying font sizing and font type. These will land you straight in the junk folder. 

Keep subject lines simple. Include a good hook that evokes curiosity to open your email but don't mislead your audience with clickbait or misleading them through the subject line. Forty seven percent of emails are opened or discarded based solely on heir subject line alone. Click baiting your audience will make your audience open the email however high open rates combined with low click through rates affect future deliverability. Striking a balance between curiosity and relevancy is key to your subject lines. 

Always proofread your emails before sending to ensure they're clear, easily readable and don't have grammatical errors. This helps build brand reputability and professionalism. 

Write as if you're talking to a friend or sharing a real life story to someone you know or care about. This will make your email more approachable and relevant. The more engaged your readers are with your emails the more likely you'll end up in their inbox in future.

Stay relevant, nearly 60% of email users will mark a message as spam if they receive too many or irrelevant emails from the same sender. The next time you're writing an email consider why you're sending it, what you want to get across, and if it can add value to the readers life. Don't just send emails to mark it as done off your checklist. Your subscribers won't be impressed by the unnecessary repetition, so be strategic and plan campaigns in advance. 

Be consistent in your language, personality and layout of your emails. Familiarity and consistency go along way in growing trust with your audience which ultimately is what gets them hooked in to your product or service, growing your revenue. 

The key piece of learning is that past behaviour affects future deliverability. Value driven content will get you a long way and help grow your conversions and revenue. 

Hope this information is helpful in growing your conversion rates and revenue!


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